Street Music in Dublin: Top 10 Buskers You Need to Hear

Dublin City Now - Bono
Dublin City Now – Bono


Bono, the lead vocalist of the iconic Irish band U2, has been known to make surprise appearances while busking on Grafton Street. Despite his worldwide fame and success, Bono has always been a supporter of the street music scene in Dublin and often joins other buskers to perform for passersby. His appearances have drawn large crowds and created an unforgettable atmosphere on the street. In 2018, Bono teamed up with fellow musician Glen Hansard to busk for the homeless during the Christmas season, raising thousands of euros for charity. His contributions to the street music culture in Dublin have made him a beloved figure among locals and visitors alike.

From Myles O’Reilly Channel

Glen Hansard

Glen Hansard, an Irish musician and actor, is a familiar face on Grafton Street as he has been busking there for years. He first gained international recognition as the frontman of the band The Frames and later as the star of the hit movie and Broadway musical “Once.” However, despite his success, he still takes to the streets to perform for locals and tourists alike. Hansard’s raw, emotional performances are a favorite among fans, and his talent and generosity have earned him a place in the hearts of many Dubliners. In fact, he often invites other musicians to join him on the street and play together, creating a truly special and unique experience for everyone in the crowd.

Damien Rice

Damien Rice is a well-known Irish singer-songwriter who has also been spotted busking on Grafton Street. In fact, he is known for having started his career as a busker on the streets of Dublin. Rice’s intimate and emotive performances, often accompanied by just his guitar and a hauntingly beautiful voice, have captivated audiences for years. While he has since achieved global recognition for his music, including multiple platinum-selling albums, his roots as a busker on the streets of Dublin remain an important part of his story.


Hozier is an Irish singer-songwriter who gained international fame with his hit song “Take Me to Church”. However, before his rise to stardom, Hozier was a regular busker on Grafton Street. He would often perform covers of blues and soul classics, as well as his own original songs. His powerful voice and captivating presence drew crowds of listeners, and he quickly became a favorite among the busking community. Hozier’s time on Grafton Street helped shape his musical style and provided him with a platform to develop his talent. Today, he is one of the most successful and respected musicians in Ireland, and his busking days on Grafton Street remain a beloved part of his origin story.

Imelda May

Imelda May, an Irish singer-songwriter, has been known to busk on Grafton Street, drawing crowds with her powerful and soulful voice. Her unique blend of rockabilly, blues, and jazz has garnered her critical acclaim and a loyal fan base. Imelda has performed all over the world, including at major music festivals, and has collaborated with artists such as Bono, Jeff Beck, and Smokey Robinson. Despite her success, Imelda has remained humble and down to earth, often returning to her roots by busking in Dublin’s streets, including on Grafton Street, where she has been known to surprise passersby with her impromptu performances.


Keywest is a well-known Irish band that started their music journey by busking on the streets of Dublin. They are known for their catchy pop-rock sound and energetic performances. Busking on Grafton Street played a significant role in the band’s rise to fame, as it allowed them to build a fan base and hone their craft. The band still occasionally performs on the street to connect with their fans and promote their music. Despite their success, Keywest remains humble and grateful for their roots as street performers.

Damien Dempsey

Damien Dempsey, an Irish singer-songwriter, is a regular busker on Grafton Street in Dublin. Known for his unique voice and socially conscious lyrics, Dempsey’s performances on the street always draw a crowd. He often uses his music as a platform to address issues such as homelessness and addiction, reflecting the harsh realities of life in Dublin. Despite his success as a musician, Dempsey remains humble and down-to-earth, and his performances on Grafton Street are a testament to his commitment to connecting with his fans and using his music to make a positive impact.

The Riptide Movement

The Riptide Movement is an Irish rock band that has been known to perform impromptu busking sessions on Grafton Street in Dublin. Their energetic and passionate performances have earned them a loyal following in Ireland and beyond. Their music is a blend of rock, folk, and blues, with catchy hooks and powerful lyrics that resonate with audiences. The band’s members have often spoken about their love of busking and the importance of connecting with their fans in an intimate and authentic way. For anyone who happens to come across them while walking down Grafton Street, a performance by The Riptide Movement is not to be missed.

Stephen James Smith

Stephen James Smith is a renowned Irish poet and spoken word artist who has also been known to busk on Grafton Street in Dublin. His performances are known for their raw emotion and captivating storytelling, and he has gained a large following both online and offline. He often collaborates with other musicians and artists during his busking sessions, creating a dynamic and memorable experience for those lucky enough to witness it.


Kodaline is an Irish rock band that gained international recognition for their music. They are also known for their frequent busking sessions on Grafton Street in Dublin. The band members often surprise their fans with impromptu performances, drawing large crowds to the busy street. Their acoustic versions of hit songs like “All I Want” and “High Hopes” showcase their raw talent and passionate performances. It’s not just their music that draws the crowds, but also their friendly and down-to-earth personalities, making them beloved figures in the Irish music scene. Kodaline’s busking sessions have become a Dublin tradition, offering locals and tourists alike a chance to experience the magic of their music up close and personal.

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