Where Art Meets Science: Exploring the Apples and Atoms Sculpture in Trinity College Dublin

Dublin City Now - The Apples and Atoms-TCD
Dublin City Now – The Apples and Atoms-TCD

Apples and Atoms is a sculpture located in the Schrodinger Building in Trinity College Dublin. The sculpture was created by artist Eilis O’Connell and was installed in 1993. The piece is made of bronze and measures approximately 4 meters in height.

The sculpture consists of two separate pieces, one representing an apple and the other representing an atom. The apple piece is composed of several curved, abstract shapes that together form the recognizable shape of an apple. The atom piece consists of several interlocking spheres that suggest the complex structure of an atomic particle.

Apples and Atoms is meant to represent the intersection of science and nature, and the complex relationship between the two. The apple is a symbol of the natural world and the simple beauty of nature, while the atom represents the scientific world and the complex forces that shape our understanding of the universe.

The sculpture has become a popular attraction for visitors to the Schrodinger Building, and is admired for its intricate details and thought-provoking message. Whether you’re a student, a scientist, or an art lover, Apples and Atoms is a fascinating piece that speaks to the enduring mysteries and wonders of the world around us.

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